​Providing a fun and meaningful summer experience begins with creating an environment where each camper feels safe and accepted. We entrust all our campers with the responsibility of treating each other, staff, visitors and our environment with respect.
In order to ensure that all campers get the most from their experience at Camp Solelim and to help ensure the safety and security of all participants, the Camper and their Parents/Guardians hereby acknowledge and agree to the following:
The Camper will not use or be in possession of alcohol, tobacco products, drugs (other than drugs prescribed to the Camper before or during Camp and which are under the supervision of the Camp's health team), or drug related paraphernalia, including but not limited to rolling papers, vape pens, Juuls, and pipes.
The Camper will respect all areas of the Camp that are considered off limits and will not leave the campgrounds unless they are under staff supervision on a camp-related program/outing.
The Camper understands that they do not have the right to negatively affect the experience of any other person at camp. Physical, verbal, emotional, sexual harassment or abuse, inappropriate and offensive behaviour will not be tolerated at Camp. This includes, but is not limited to:
* Violence, assault and/or acts of aggression​
* Threatening to harm oneself or others
* Bullying and/or excluding others
* Hazing/initiating and/or intimidating others
* Inappropriate, unwanted and/or non-consensual touching
* Hateful, disrespectful, or abusive language and/or gestures that promote racism, homophobia, transphobia, rape culture, gang culture, etc.
The Camper understands that engaging in the above behaviours will lead to their dismissal from Camp. Furthermore, the Camper is also aware that reports of sexual harassment or misconduct or other illegal behaviour will be redirected to the appropriate authorities.​
The Camper will be inclusive and kind to others. The Camper will manage their attitude, body language, tones, expression, etc in a way that makes others feel welcomed rather than excluded and raises others up rather than putting them down.
The Camper will not tease, put down, or make jokes at others' expense. The Camper understands these behaviours may cause others to feel offended and/or unsafe and/or might provoke retaliatory action leading to injury or property damage. What may seem harmless to the Camper may have lasting emotional or physical consequences for others.
The camper understands that the sensitive nature of persona health information including, but not limited to, self-harm, suicide/suicidal ideation, sexual harassment/assault, abuse, etc. can be triggering or distressing to other campers. The Camper agrees to discuss this information with their staff or a member of the camper care team and not with other campers.
The Camper will attend all scheduled activities, meals, and programs unless excused by Camp staff. The Camper understands that when a staff member is forced to spend an excessive amount of time engaging with one camper, it reduces the attention that the staff member can devote to other campers and to the development and implementation of our program. If the Camper needs to be repeatedly withdrawn from their activities and/or if their behaviour is deemed to be negatively impacting the experience of others, Camp will not be able to accommodate them.
The Camper will not steal, vandalize and/or intentionally damage others' possessions, nor will they borrow others' possessions without their consent.
The Camper will not vandalize or damage camp property and equipment including, but not limited to, tents, beds, window screens, doors, washrooms, dining hall, any other buildings/structures, signs, safety equipment (such as smoke alarms and fire extinguishers), program equipment and the natural environment. Parents/Guardians will be held responsible for the cost of materials, parts, or labour necessary to repair or replace the damaged property. The Camper understands that they may be required to participate in the repair of any damage they were involved in creating.
The Camper will not use or be in possession of a cell phone or any device capable of connecting to data and/or WIFI, or playing videos and/or games during the Camp session. Phones that are found over the course of the summer season that were not willingly handed in by the camper on the first day of camp will be confiscated.
The Camper will not light matches, lighters, burn mosquito coils and/or operate a hot pot, heater, or kettle unless a staff member has given permission to do so.
The Camper understands they are responsible for maintaining their personal hygiene including, but not limited to, taking regular showers, brushing their teeth, changing their clothes regularly.
The Camper agrees to follow all camp safety protocols, including, but not limited to:
* Sun safety: wearing a hat, applying sunscreen, drinking water
* Appropriate footwear: wearing running shoes when playing sports
* Water safety: following NLS staff instructions, wearing a life jacket when on a boat, small craft or when using our inflatable
* Injury/Illness protocol: adhering to nursing staff and medical professionals' directives and activity restrictions when sustaining and/or recovering from an injury or illness
* COVID-19 protocols: adhering to all policies and procedures that may be in effect this season
* Emergency procedures: following all safety protocol as communicated upon arrival to camp.
The Camper will not visit or enter other tents, unless given permission by staff. Furthermore, the Camper understands that they are sharing their tent with other people and that engaging in sexual activity in a shared space not only violates the Code of Conduct, but is inappropriate and unfair to their tent mates.
The Camper will follow set curfew hours and stay in their tents after lights out.
The Camper will not pierce or tattoo any part of their body during the summer.
The Camper will refrain from any behaviour that Camp staff deem to be unacceptable and/or detrimental to the Camp program.
The Camper understands that if they do not follow this code of conduct, the following could happen:
The Camper may have a meeting with their tent parent, Head Counsellor, a Head Staff, Social Worker, or the Camp Director.
The Camper's staff member might call their parents to discuss their behaviour.
The Camper may be asked to sign and adhere to a behaviour contract.
The Camper may be given, or be asked to carry out, a suitable consequence to be decided by camp staff. Examples of consequences include but are not limited to: writing an apology letter, missing activities, losing privileges, acts of service around camp, having your own tent or tent mates moved, being sent home from camp early at the parent/guardian(s) expense and responsibility, not being allowed to attend or return to camp etc.
If the Camper's behaviour is hurtful to themselves, others or camp property, they will likely be sent home that same day or as soon as possible thereafter at the parent/guardian(s) full expense and responsibility.